You are called and equipped to serve.

We are called to serve others by showing God’s love in practical ways, meeting the needs within our church and communities. One of the ways we grow as disciples is finding ways to use our gifts and talents to glorify God by serving others.

We want every person to find the right opportunities to effectively use their gifts to build up the body of Christ. We have serving options for every personality, skill set, season, and schedule. Contact us to chat more about where you can serve or talk about your gifts.

Serve Holy Week & Easter

If you consider us your church home, consider serving at our worship services throughout Holy Week. We love gathering during this season and come together to help welcome guests and newcomers! Contact Ashley Guinn Taylor ([email protected]) to serve.

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Local & Global Ministry

Local Partners

These partnerships with local organizations proclaim Christ’s name through justice and mercy in order to see changed lives, civic renewal, and community formation in the greater DC metro area and beyond.

View Local Partners

Global Partners

We partner with organizations and individuals in our country and around the world in order to provide meaningful, sustainable ministry for the purpose of gospel redemption and renewal.

View Global Partners

Church Plants

Through resources and financial support, we propel leaders to start and grow churches across the DC metro area in order see the grace of Jesus Christ transform hearts and change lives.

View Church Plants

Heart of Christ Committee (HOCC)

Serve with the HOCC, and give to the HOCC Fund. The HOCC coordinates the volunteer time & talent of our church, and manages the HOCC Fund, to address unique and unforeseen needs that have arisen in our surrounding area. We’re currently dedicated to our Afghan Refugee Assistance Effort: coming alongside Afghan individuals and families resettling in our area to provide community and practical support.

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Missions Newsletter

Subscribe to our monthly Missions update to see how God is working here and around the world and how you can be a part of his Kingdom work!