Grow in your knowledge of God’s word while connecting to our community of women. The Tuesday...
More InfoJoin our Wednesday prayer group to pray for the needs of our church family.
More InfoGrow in your knowledge of God’s word while connecting to our community of women. We...
More InfoEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes help non-native English speakers advance their conversational...
More InfoMarriage Foundations is our premarital class, designed for newly married couples, engaged couples, or couples thinking about engagement.
More InfoMay God use this conference to better connect students and families with Reformed University Fellowship.
More InfoWe all crave an abundant life. But what does that mean? How do we live a full life? Jesus said, in John 10:10, that he came that we might have “life and have it abundantly.” Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection invite us into the abundance of life — both now and forever.
We’d love to chat with you! Please reach out to Ashley Guinn Taylor, our Director of Ministry Engagement at [email protected].