
Sunday, April 20, 2025


Invite your friends and join us to celebrate the everlasting hope of Easter! 

Easter Sunday services will take place at both 9am and 10:45am, in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. There will be no Sunday School, Adult Christian Education classes, or 5:15pm service on Easter Sunday. 

Childcare Information:

Childcare is provided for ages 0–Pre-K at both service times; stop by our Family Welcome Desk on the lower level and we’ll help you check in your child!

Newcomer Information:

Join us after worship for coffee, cookies, and good conversation! Follow signs to our Welcome Center (in the McLean Room).



McLean Presbyterian
1020 Balls Hill Road
McLean, VA 22101


Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall


Ashley Guinn Taylor
Director of Ministry Engagement
[email protected]