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Abundant Life

We all crave an abundant life. But what does that mean? How do we live a full life? Jesus said, in John 10:10, that he came that we might have “life and have it abundantly.” Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection invite us into the abundance of life — both now and forever.

Never been to church before? Not sure what to expect? We’d love to chat with you before you come! Reach out to Ashley Guinn Taylor at [email protected] for details.

Childcare is provided at our services.

A Deeper Holy Week

Journey to the Cross

An interactive, meditative art experience to bring the truth of the cross closer to our hearts.


Easter Sermon Series

In a world ravaged by death, Christianity proclaims a living hope which overcomes our deepest sorrows and outlasts our time on earth. Listen to sermons from this series and access resources.


Serve this Easter

If you consider us your church home, consider serving at our worship services throughout Holy Week. We love gathering during this season and come together to help welcome guests and newcomers!


First time with us?

Never been to church before? First time visiting our church? We’d love to chat with you before you come! Reach out to Director of Ministry Engagement, Ashley Guinn Taylor ([email protected]) for details.