Meeting the tangible needs of our church and our community.

The gospel calls us to a life filled with grace that is given and received. When we receive God’s grace, we are then called to extravagant, radical, beautiful, sacrificial giving. 

The Deacons’ Fund is a special ministry of our church that embodies our gospel call to give and receive. This mercy ministry provides an opportunity for you to reach out for assistance, or to give to others with needs. The Deacons’ Fund exists to support members of our congregation or community who have temporary financial needs such as rent, groceries, medical bills, counseling, and other challenges.

All requests are confidentially assessed by our Deacons, who will learn your story and how we can best address your needs. Deacons’ Fund assistance is intended for temporary needs until a longer-term solution becomes available.

To request assistance, please call our office (703.821.0800) or email

Give & Receive


The gospel calls us to give. The gift of grace in Jesus Christ empowers us to be a people, a church, who use our resources to generously love and care for our community, our fellow image-bearers.  


Request Assistance

The gospel frees us to receive. Needs are not things to be compared or hidden. When shared, needs become opportunities to receive grace and experience the beauty of our God who supplies every need (Philippians 4:19). In the church, we bring our needs and our resources together so that there will not be a needy person among us (Acts 4:34). This is a safe place to bring our needs, no matter if we think they’re less-than or more-than the needs of others.  


Deacons’ Fund Stories

Widow with Health Issues

Our Deacons’ Fund was able to serve a widow with on-going health issues. In response to this support, the recipient shared this with our team: 

Tearfully, gratefully I am thanking God and you as a representative of one of the most remarkable, faith-filled congregations I have ever met. You have truly represented Jesus to me as few others in my life: giving so generously to one you do not know.

With all of my heart, please share my deep gratitude for this amazing gift. 

In the love of Jesus.

Helping a Family Friend

Thanks to the Deacons Fund, we were able to share the love of Christ with a Buddhist family friend. My family and I have been witnessing to him for years, and through the Deacons Fund, he was able to see the tangible love of the church. After being furloughed, he fell behind on his mortgage and a few medical bills for his family. The Deacons Fund helped to cover these expenses and relieved a lot of stress and anxiety for him.  He was very grateful and called me several times just to express his deep gratitude. He mentioned that while many charities had offered food and clothing, the church was the only one that had provided financial help.  He was also so touched by how kind and caring the person was that he talked to on the phone. I am so grateful for the generosity of our church and for each of you being the hands and feet to make it happen. Thank you again so much for your time and attention and care to bless others through the Deacons Fund.

Renewed Hope and Faith in the Lord

Deacons Fund helped a man who was unemployed since April because of COVID-19; his unemployment benefits had run out and he had no way of paying next month’s rent. Yet he was still praying to get a job. He wrote back saying,

Thank you again for all the help! The wonderful blessing you guys have given me this holiday season has brought so much joy to my heart. Continuing to have Hope and Faith in the Lord will get you through hard times if you have faith and trust in him. Thank you again for teaching me that important lesson!!  I prayed and decided to take some part-time classes to improve myself in pharmacist technician.