The McLean Presbyterian Church (MPC) Session has appointed* the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to develop a five-year Strategic Plan — a comprehensive roadmap intended to further our mission to glorify and enjoy God by making disciples who make a difference through grace-filled worship, community, and missions. An important part of this process is capturing the collective feedback of congregants and our community to help guide the future direction of MPC.

*Session committees are appointed as needed around areas of special interest.

About the SPC

The SPC’s objective is to develop and deliver to the Session for approval or amendment a Strategic Plan that aligns with the changing needs and priorities of our church. The SPC is dedicated to listening to the Lord’s guidance and understanding our church body and cultural environment to help us set strategic, relevant, gospel-forward priorities for the next five years.

Our committee members — Bruce Haynes (Chair), Chris McPeek, Jake Jenkins, Kate Barcley, Mark Whittle, Melissa Jones, Ryan Laughlin, and Tracy Pierson — represent a broad and diverse cross section of church members, including people from leadership, staff, and different demographic groups such as age, gender, church proximity, time in membership, and other factors. Contact the SPC directly at [email protected].

Get Involved


First, please pray! Pray for our church to discern the Lord’s guidance and where he wants to take us next.

Pray for our listening sessions to be productive, filled with grace and truth.

Pray for unity among our committee as we develop recommendations.


The SPC’s most important job to listen humbly to our congregation. In the fall, we held a number of listening sessions that were open to any member of the congregation to participate. We gathered the views of approximately 300 different church members in this process. We will also held additional listening sessions with different groups within the church.


We recognize it will be impossible in a church of our size to include every church member in a listening session. To account for this, we encourage you to directly email the committee ([email protected]) with your input.

If you were not part of a listening session but feel strongly about a particular issue, email the SPC to ask for the opportunity to provide your input and someone on the committee will reach out to you directly. Also feel free to approach any member of the SPC more informally to share your thoughts. We are open to listening!



  • What is a strategic planning process?

  • What is a strategic planning process?

  • Why do we need a strategic plan now?

  • Are the listening sessions the only data you will gather?

  • What will this process look like and what is the timeline?

  • How will the strategic planning process impact our Herndon site?

A strategic planning process is a way for an organization to better define where it wants to go and what actions it needs to take over a period of time to get there. The end product — the strategic plan — is a road map of that journey tied to the organization’s priorities (with specific goals, targets, actions and responsibilities).

Several factors have come together to make this timing appropriate. We have undergone, as a congregation, a substantial “season” of change.

First, the disruptions and changes from COVID-19, while behind us, have impacted our society in ways we are all still trying to better understand — including potentially the impact of technology and the way some people engage with the church.

Second, we have a new Senior Pastor who has been with us for two years now and is established enough with us to undergo this process.

Third, we are about to particularize Capital Presbyterian Fairfax and have a solid plan for our Capital Presbyterian Herndon site — but no other plan beyond that.

Fourth, the composition of the Session, Diaconate, and Board of Women have changed substantially since our last plan was put into place.

In short, we have come through these changes well and into a relative season of peace, making this the ideal time to reexamine our priorities as a body.

No. We have the benefit of a significant amount of recent research, including a late 2019 churchwide survey conducted by the Pastoral Search Committee and a very recent women’s ministry survey conducted by the Board of Women. We are also aggregating other baseline data and survey data as needed. Finally, while we don’t yet believe that a survey or poll of full church membership is needed, we recognize that the listening sessions are “qualitative” and not “quantitative” and we will work with church leadership and staff during this process to determine if, ultimately, a survey would be helpful and conduct it, if needed, at an appropriate time.

The SPC hopes to conduct most of the listening sessions and gather any other needed information by the end of Spring. During summer 2024, the SPC will analyze and aggregate the data, information and insights and share our findings with church leadership and staff. We also envision an update to the congregation on those findings during this timeframe. Once we have socialized the findings, the SPC will spend the remaining summertime and the early fall drafting the strategic plan. Once drafted, the plan will be finalized with church leadership and staff, concluding with the final plans to be presented to the congregation in the summer of 2025.

The SPC’s efforts are focused on our McLean site. We’ll share preliminary findings and the final Strategic Plan with Herndon’s site pastors and elected leaders — who may choose to incorporate relevant data into their own strategic planning for the Herndon site. Regardless of whether you worship at McLean or Herndon, you’re invited to share your thoughts with the SPC via our direct email ([email protected]).

Questions? Have Feedback?

We’d love to hear from you. Contact us with questions or share your perspectives by emailing the committee directly ([email protected]).