Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an exciting week that brings the gospel to life for children in our church and community. Did you know it takes 100+ volunteers to make VBS a success? Read the descriptions below and see where God might best use your gifts and skills! VBS 2025 Dates: June 23–27

Crew Leader

As a Crew Leader, you’ll guide a group of 10-15 kids through 5 daily stations while building meaningful relationships with your kids and fellow leaders. You’ll work alongside 1-2 adults and 1-2 youth volunteers, with crews organized by grade. This role offers the unique opportunity to engage with kids and leaders all week long and get a taste of the full VBS experience! 

  • Preschool Crew | 12 adults, 12 youth 
  • Elementary Crew | 45 adults, 15 youth 

Station Leader

As a Station Leader, you’ll collaborate with staff and co-leaders to create content and lesson plans, then lead your station 3-5 times daily for 40-50 kids throughout VBS week.

Elementary Stations:
  • Bible Station | 3 adults, 3 youth – Teach gospel-centered, interactive Bible lessons. 
  • Missions Station | 3 adults, 1 youth – Bring MPC’s local and global mission partners to life through hands-on activities.
  • Rec Station | 2 adults, 3 youth Lead energetic gym games, creating fun and excitement.
  • Imagination Station | 2 adults, 2 youth – Guide hands-on activities and science experiments that tie to Bible points.
Preschool Stations: 
  • Bible Station | 2 adults, 2 youth Teach gospel-centered, interactive Bible lessons. 
  • Music | 2 adults – lead hand motions and other music and movement activities. 


  • 2 adults, 6 youth | Work alongside childcare workers to care for 0-3 year old whose parents are serving at VBS. 


  • 5-7 adults | make and organize snacks for campers and volunteers. 

Base Camp

  • 3-5 adults, 3-5 youth | Lead worship hand motions at the combined morning and afternoon sessions called base camp! You can serve at base camp and as a crew leader. 


  • Number varies | Join us at any or all of our Saturday decoration days in June so we can transform the church!  With guided instructions for painting, set building, and more, there are projects for adults, youth, and kids alike. This is a great opportunity to serve if you’re not available VBS Week. 

VBS can’t happen without you. Whether you like to lead games, hang with kids, or serve behind the scenes, we have a role for you! 


Training is provided for all volunteers and is mandatory. Crew and station leaders must attend one of two training sessions:

  • Sunday, June 8 at 12:30pm (lunch provided)


  • Wednesday, June 11 at 7pm (dinner provided)

*Volunteers age 18 and older are asked to complete our Safeguarding forms and a background check if you do not already have these on file.

Are you volunteering, and needing to register your kids? Email Emily Pirozzolo for a special early registration link for VBS volunteers.


Emily Pirozzolo
Assistant Director of Children's Ministry, Upper Elementary