Made up of staff, elected leaders, and members of our congregation, the HOCC coordinates the volunteer time & talent of our church membership, and manages the HOCC Fund, to address Session-approved “Efforts.” Efforts meet unique and unforeseen needs that have arisen in our surrounding area which require the coordination of people and resources. Our current Effort is the Afghan Refugee Assistance Effort: coming alongside Afghan individuals and families resettling in our area to provide community and practical support.

There are three main ways to be involved with the HOCC: timetalent, and treasureScroll down to learn more about serving with the HOCC:


Serve with the Heart of Christ Committee


Be a community Partner

We are looking for groups to walk alongside new Afghan families as friends, encouragers, and mentors. You can serve with your family or friends, your Community Group, Journey Group, etc.

Support can range from once-per-month coffees or meals, Zoom calls, a weekend picnic, or teaching them how to navigate the Metro. The time required is kept quite manageable for each volunteer.



offer skilled assistance

We are gathering a volunteer pool of professionals working in: medicine, law, government and immigration, insurance, trades, job coaching, and more.

If you have any skill or industry expertise that you would like to volunteer, sign up, and we will contact you when one of our Afghan families encounters a specific need or consultation; you can determine your level of time investment.



Material & financial Giving

We are accepting financial gifts and materials like furniture, technology, and house items. If you would like to give financially to the HOCC Fund, you may give online or by check (mail to: McLean Presbyterian Church / 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean, VA 22101; include “HOCC Fund” in the memo line). Financial gifts are tax-deductible.

If you have items to donate, contact us to set up a drop-off.





Contact us with questions, ideas, or information.