Hello! This is a early heads up that my house will have two open rooms when our lease is over on May 31. This is a house of 5 Christian males in Petworth, around 5th St NW and Shepherd St NW.

We will post a more detailed classified ad in several weeks (or update this one), but wanted to begin sharing now for those who prefer an earlier-rather-than-later housing solution. Please reach out for with questions or more information!

Basic Information:
– We are a house of 5 guys who go to the following churches: Grace-Downtown, McLean Pres, Fourth Pres (Bethesda), Church of the Rez, and Del Ray Baptist (Alexandria). We enjoy hanging out, watching movies, cooking, etc. We like to do a house outing once a month, such as a dinner, concert, or museum. We find that we’ve all become great friends and look forward to welcoming others into the fold!
– We are all generally clean and keep the kitchen, bathrooms, and public living areas tidy.
– The house has a great, flat backyard with lots of grass, a firepit, and outdoor lights around the entire perimeter.
– The open rooms are the smallest, cheapest room ($855/mo) which is the only one on the first floor, and the attic room which includes its own bathroom. Both are being offered fully furnished.
– Utilities are usually around $100 a month.
– The Area: The house is a 5-minute walk to the Georgia Ave-Petworth metro station, which we frequently use. There is a Safeway within walking distance, but we generally all go to Wegman’s or Trader Joe’s. The Upshur Ave Corridor is close has great restaurants too. The neighborhood has all generations and is quiet.

Please reach out for more info, thanks!

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Sam Trizza
[email protected]