Our support groups help you navigate spiritual and relational challenges with a foundation of biblical truth and gospel hope. These confidential groups facilitate healing around the issues of divorce, grief, and sexual addiction.

Regular groups include GriefShare, and More Than Conquerors (confidential group for men struggling with sexual addiction). Support groups that address other struggles are held as needed for our community and for our church.

Connect to a Support Group


Care Team
[email protected]

Support Groups


More Than Conquerors

This confidential men’s group focuses on redeeming sexual brokenness. At weekly meetings we explore the root of our struggles and pursue a grace-driven approach to overcoming addictions, changing behavior patterns, and finding healing.

For more details, including the group’s meeting location and time, contact [email protected].


With biblical teachings on grief and recovery, you will have an opportunity to interact with others who have experienced a recent loss, learn about their experiences, and share your own. This 13-week group helps you tell your story, process the pain that often comes with loss, and find a community of other people who understand and accept your story.

View group details (starts on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025.)

Caring for Aging Parents

Aging – and the decline that often goes with it – is part of life. Many find themselves in the role of caregivers for their parents as they age, an often stressful and exhausting role. It is easy to feel alone in this role, but you are not.

If you are a caring for an aging parent, please join us for lunch on Sunday April 6 for an initial meeting of this support group. It will be a time to get to know one another and encourage one another in this challenging role. We hope to make this a monthly gathering, alternating between in person and online, once we see what the needs of the group are.

An RSVP is appreciated but not required. Contact Rebecca Smith with questions.