We believe that doctrine is for life transformation. We desire to equip our church to know the Bible, to know the Bible’s world-and-life view, and to invest the gospel in the lives of others. Through our Adult Christian Education (ACE) classes, we seek to mature in Christ-likeness, being able to navigate the complexities of life with knowledge, wisdom, and grace.

ACE classes are offered throughout the year; classes are categorized under five main categories, known as “Growth Paths.” Explore current class offerings, and learn about our Growth Paths and the ACE Certificate below!

Staff Contact

Terence Little
Lead Pastor for Ministries
[email protected]

Upcoming Classes:

The Nicene Creed: 1,700-year Anniversary

jan. 5 – feb. 16 | Fellowship Hall | 10:45am–12pm

Truth from error matters in all of life especially in the life of Christ’s church. Nicaea occurred in a time when the doctrine of who God is desperately needed to be organized in a statement of belief. 1,700-years later, we, the church, need to know again what we believe about who God is so that we can confess to the world, “I believe in…”

Pursuing God’s Glory in a Big, Wild World: Missions and the Local Church

jan. 5 – feb. 16 | McLean Room | 10:45am

Come for the ideas, stay for the life change! We will look at how the whole Bible calls us to be a sent people (like the cornerstone of McLean Pres reminds us), and think hard about what some of the best thinkers in our tradition have written and done about that fact. We will connect theory with action, engaging the word of God and going deep in prayer, and considering how the legacy of our church in missions can inspire us to new things again today.

How People Change

Jan. 5 & 19, Feb. 2 & 16, March 2, 16 & 30, April 13 & 27 | McLean Sanctuary | 5:15pm–6:30pm

This study seeks to challenge and equip you to live out the gospel in your everyday life. We will learn to see ourselves through the mirror of God’s word, to know and rely on Christ’s grace, and to walk daily with renewed faith and courage. Meets twice a month.

ACE Growth Paths

We have identified six primary areas to focus on in our Adult Christian Education curriculum. We call these areas Growth Paths because they give disciples the tools they need for growing in Christian faith and maturity. All of our courses fit into one of these Growth Paths and have specific goals to achieve our overarching main goal.

The Bible is the primary way God reveals his character, will, and actions in history to his people. It is a complex book comprised of sixty-six distinct works, spanning several genres, written by dozens of authors over more than a thousand years. Our Bible courses aim to make the Bible more accessible and more precious to believers.

Courses include:

  • Doctrine of Scripture
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Books of the Bible

Theology develops out of a close reading of the Bible. It organizes the facts of Scripture into logical categories to make the faith as clear and easy to apply as possible. Our Theology courses aim to equip people with language and concepts that help bring biblical truths to bear on every facet of their lives.

Courses include:

  • Creeds and Confessions
  • Covenant Theology
  • Doctrine of God / Doctrine of Creation
  • Christology / Soteriology / Eschatology
  • Ecclesiology

Throughout the whole of the Bible, across every book and chapter, God weaves together a single story of who he is and what he is doing to redeem his people. Biblical theology focuses in on individual themes throughout Scripture, like individual threads in the single story God is weaving. Our Redemptive History and Biblical Theology courses aim to chart out that grand story and closely examine primary themes throughout it.

Courses include:

  • Redemptive History (Biblical Theology) Introduction
  • Kingdom
  • Temple
  • Other themes

Coming to faith in Jesus comes with radical changes in how one lives. As our church likes to say, grace changes everything. Christ teaches that the two defining markers of a genuine faith are love of God and love of neighbor. Our Ethics courses aim to teach how Christian love plays out in real life.

Courses include:

  • Ethics Introduction and Survey
  • Biblical Ethics
  • Christian Ethics

Just as Scripture tells one grand, overarching story, each individual tells their own grand story to account for life’s big questions—questions like, “What is the meaning of life?” or “Why is there evil in the world?” This personal grand narrative is called a world-and-life view. Every person finds answers to these questions in their upbringing, culture, education, and many other factors. Our Christian World-and-Life View courses aim to ask those big questions, work out what answers we’ve come up with, and explore how our answers compare with a Christian world-and-life view.

Courses include:

  • Biblical Metanarrative (CFRR)
  • History of Christianity
  • Christianity and Culture
  • Mission – Local and Global
  • Apologetics
  • Current events / hot topics

Some specific topics outside of the five set growth paths are worth special attention. Our Elective courses aim to address particular needs and produce well-rounded disciples who are equipped to face the full complexity of life.

Courses include:

  • Preparation for Leadership and Service
  • Lay Counseling
  • Spiritual Disciplines
  • Parenting
  • Conversations in Worship
  • Stewardship and Budgeting
  • Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands
  • Evangelism
  • What does it mean to be Presbyterian?
  • How People Change
  • Other

ACE Certificate

We have identified nine specific courses across our five main Growth Paths that we consider foundational in shaping disciples who make a difference. These courses form the core of our ACE curriculum and are offered on a rotating schedule every two years. For those who complete all core classes, our church offers a certificate of completion and hosts a banquet to celebrate their accomplishment. We encourage all of our members to earn our ACE Certificate.

Courses required for the ACE Certificate:

  • Doctrine of Scripture
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Creeds and Confessions
  • Covenant Theology
  • Redemptive History (BT) Introduction
  • Ethics Introduction and Survey
  • Biblical Metanarrative
  • History of Christianity*
  • Christianity and Culture*

* Only one of these two courses is required to earn the certificate