The children living in the Kibera slum face some of Africa’s harshest realities, living among upwards of 250,000 people packed into only 1 square mile with no running water and little electricity.

This team is traveling to Kenya to spend a week facilitating a Vacation Bible School program for these kids on beautiful farmland outside of Nairobi. We will share gospel grace with over 100 children ages 6 – 18 through games, songs, and simple Bible lessons as we come alongside the church in Kenya.

share grace

Support the team!

Consider supporting the team; your donation will support an individual team member or provide supplies for the VBS camp and KMM.


Trip Details

Staff Contact

Nancy McMann
Director of Children’s Ministry
[email protected]

April 17 – 27, 2020

A team is preparing to travel to Kenya in April. Pray for the team as they prepare to travel and share grace with over 100 children in Kenya. The team will partner with long time missions partner, Kenya Mercy Ministries (KMM).