July 26–31 | Panther, WVA

This July, rising 9th–graduated 12th grade students from Capital Pres Student Ministries will be traveling to McDowell County, West Virginia to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ by serving individuals in need. We will be partnering with Son Servants (a short-term missions organization) to engage in work projects like minor home repairs and construction, yard work, and painting during the day. There, we will join in with the work of a local ministry called Panther Christian Outreach as we learn what it means to worship God and love others through service.



Staff Contact

Mitch Nordstrom
Assistant Director of Student Ministries: Jr. High
[email protected]

Each summer, a group of rising 9th–12th graders (and just-graduated 12th graders) travel regionally for a chance to share the gospel grace that changes everything. Each year students partner with different local ministries to help those in need.


There are many opportunities for our students to serve locally, globally, and at our own church.